
Showing posts from September, 2021

Supplies List

**Please note that the school does not provide supplies for students.  If your family is having challenges purchasing any of the supplies listed below, please email Ms. Scott.   It is the student's responsibility to have the supplies noted below kept at school.   Humanities (7-14, 7-19, and 8-33) -binder with 3 dividers (sections titled: Humanities, Reading, Writing) - one 2" binder designated for Humanities works best -loose, hole-punched, lined paper (loose-leaf) to keep in binder OR notebook with tear-away pages (appx 8"x11" size) -pencils, erasers -coloured pencils, glue stick, scissors, ruler, coloured felt markers, black fine-liners (2 or 3) for occasional use in class -pencil case or pencil box to carry supplies to class Health (7-14 only) -binder (½” to 1") -loose, hole-punched, lined paper (loose-leaf OR notebook with tear-away pages) -pencils, erasers -coloured pencils, glue stick, scissors, ruler, coloured felt markers, black fine-liners (2 or 3) for